
Case Study: “McDonald’s atoMc Hockey”


Raise awareness of the McDonald’s atoMc team sponsorship program in communities of high priority to McDonald’s.


Reach families in community hockey arenas utilizing large banners and free standing displays in arena lobbies across Canada.

What THOM Partners Delivered:

  • THOM Partners delivered a customized media campaign in over 20 markets across 6 provinces.
  • Two different media types were utilized in order to deliver the greatest audience possible. The priority was 5’x7’ banners. If an arena was unable to accommodate the large 5’x7 banner, a 3’x6’ free standing display was utilized as the secondary option.
  • A total of 130 media placements, in 130 arenas, consisting of 239 ice surfaces over a 20 week time period.

In Total, We Delivered

Week Campaign

Total Arenas

Media Placements